We have all been there. You do works for a client just as you are about to get paid, clients starts sending more things to add or they just say they don’t need the project anymore.
Below are some of the solutions on how to make sure clients pay you for your works.
- Let Client Send Detailed Scope of the Project
Imagine you are about to deliver a website to the client, ready to get paid and you get an email from the client with the message:
“Can we also have a comments feature on the website?”
This may not be the email you received, but obviously you know the email or message I am talking about. The one where the client suddenly dreams up of a new feature on the website which wasn’t agreed upon initially.
Like me, you try to be nice since you need them to pay and the last thing you want to do is to create contention between you and the client so you relent and you go ahead and code the comments feature on the website.
As soon as you are done with the comments feature you are about to ask him to send you payment, you receive an email….. “Can clients get quotations from my website?”

You see, why you need to ask the client to send you detailed requirements (features) of the website BEFORE you start the project, or rather before you have sent them a quotation for developing the website.
Its time you put your foot down and get paid for your worth.
- Sign a Contract
Define exactly all of the agreed deliverables in as many details as humanly possible in your agreement. Scope creep is a bitch to deal with. You’re better off having everything in writing.
Do not do any project without a contract. I learnt this the hard way. I trusted someone so much that we did a project without an agreement, communication between us was there, even proof enough that they agreed that we do the project and they will pay. Midway, they just changed and didn’t need the project anymore. Lesson learnt; never do a project without a contract in place.
- Ensure your client has paid you a deposit
You want to know that the client has all the incentive necessary to keep going ahead with the project. A deposit puts the appropriate pressure on both you and the client. You, the designer need to deliver. The client is now committed and any dilly-dallying will have an impact on them too because they have already paid you something. You can have the client pay 50% of the Total amount and pay the other 50% after you have completed the project. If the client is not willing to pay the 50%, don’t do business with that client, how sure are you that the client won’t decide they don’t need the project anymore down the road?
Finally, if you are a Website Designer and need a Hosting Company to partner with, you can contact us.